Fool Proof Fluffy biscuits

  These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. Hi Friends!!!! Can I share a secret? My husband is a lazy biscuit maker.  My grandmother makes the Best Buttermilk Biscuits from scratch however my husband had learned a few things from her. He always forgot to put in the baking powder. He went on a personal mission to make the best biscuits from scratch but with self-rising flour. I thought it was a noble task but can I be honest? I didn’t think it would be possible to make my grandmother biscuits. Oh was I wrong, these fool proof fluffy biscuits are everything. I mean EVERYTHING to me right now. I wake with the desire to have biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I never knew that biscuit makers are so divided. These easy 3 ingredient fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively fool proof. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.   So today I am sharing Abdel’s fool proof fluffy biscuits. I feel like this food blog has become a family affair. Which is beyond awesome. I have always thought that I have the most culinary family but to see that everyone is willing to share their time during the holidays to cook with me is amazing. I love them to death.   These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.   Can I share another secret?My grandmother was pleased with these biscuits. That is high praise because she is strict about her biscuits. We made these for Christmas dinner. Can I just point out how much courage that takes? You have my grandmother, my mom and my aunts— who are all biscuits experts. On their grave stones it will read something along the lines of— Mother, wife, friend and avid biscuit critics.      These easy 3 ingredient fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively fool proof. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.   These easy 3 ingredient fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively fool proof. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. These easy 3 ingredient fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively fool proof. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.   This is essentially the easiest biscuit recipe. The food processor does all the work for you because the butter needs to stay as cold as possible. Note: If you don’t have a fancy food processor- you can grate the frozen butter just like my grandmother still does. As a matter a fact she would love you forever if you did. It shows dedication. These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.   These easy 3 ingredient fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively fool proof. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits. These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.     This is my happy place. Make these today!!!
These easy fool proof fluffy biscuits are so easy to make and positively delicious.. This recipe is simple and always yields fluffy flaky biscuits.

Fool Proof Fluffy biscuits


  • cups self-rising flour plus more for dusting
  • 6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 i teaspoon sugar


  • Preheat oven to 425. Sift flour, sugar and salt into a large mixing bowl. Transfer to a food processor. Cut butter into cubes and add to flour, then pulse 6 or 7 times until the mixture resembles rough crumbs. (Alternatively, cut butter into flour in the mixing bowl using a grater, fork or a pastry cutter.) Return dough to bowl, add buttermilk and stir with a fork until it forms a rough ball (don’t worry if it is a little sticky).
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and roll it into a rough rectangle, about an inch thick. Fold it over and gently roll it down again. Repeat 6 times. Cover the dough loosely with a kitchen towel and allow it to rest for 15 minutes.
  • Gently roll out the dough some more, so that it forms a rectangle. Cut dough into biscuits using a floured glass or biscuit cutter. Do not twist cutter when cutting; this will crimps the edges of the biscuit causing it not to rise. If you have scraps just reform a rectangle and cut additional biscuits.
  • Place biscuits on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Serves 6 to 8.

Join the Conversation

  1. love biscuits and these look so flaky and delish

    1. I’m glad you liked it Kim!!! They are so good!

  2. I always wanted to make biscuits. They are on my list to try. Yours look so fluffy.

  3. Have you ever tried with natural yoghurt? Buttermlk is a pain to get here.

  4. I love biscuits with my delicious dinner. They are so easy to make.

    1. Michelle, I literally make them all the time during the holidays. Glad you liked them 🙂

  5. I loved your grandmothers biscuit. I made them for both thanksgiving and christmas. I cant wait to try Abdel’s biscuits. Yall are too cute 🙂

    1. Hey Haileeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I am glad you like grandma’s biscuits. These are super easy to whip up too!!!!

  6. These look amazing. I am glad in not the only one that forgets the baking powder lol can not wait to try them 🙂

    1. Abdel will be happy that he isn’t the only one lol! Thanks Monica 🙂

  7. Mmh, these look super fluffy and so good! Thank you once again for a wonderful recipe! Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New year Chrissy!!!!!!! These are so yummers!

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